Seasons of Life

watercolor of Four Seasons Retm

I was inspired to paint this four seasons picture a few years ago. Growing up, my folks had the four seasons plaques on the wall. Very popular in those days. I never really thought much of them when younger. Too busy living, I guess.

Now, the seasons mean more than sun or snow. Seasons of life are very real. Spring, summer, fall, and winter. All full of life in their own way. Don’t feel, just because you have come into fall or even winter, that life stops. Instead, it changes.

Changes never are accepted easily. Be wise and try. Embrace the new avenues that are open to you. Learn something new you never had time for before. Write a book. Of course, have plenty of aspirin and muscle rub around. Don’t get angry if you have “lost” the ability to do what you did before. Embrace the time and challenge with what you can do now. Live fully.


Patchwork of Life


A Year Ago- a poem