I’ll Sing Again Tomorrow:
A Memoir

by Rene Terry Mucci

What do you do when a person you love starts forgetting dates, missing reminders, or not even recognizing who you are? And that person is your own beloved mother? You take a deep breath and begin seeking those moments of memory to keep her the way she was while loving her for the way she is.

This is what Rene Terry Mucci did after her spirited, strong, and independent Moma was diagnosed with dementia. I’ll Sing Again Tomorrow is the memoir of a daughter as she and her mother navigate their journey with dementia, caregiving, and their shifting relationship. This lively book of mini-essays and photos offers snapshots of both heartbreaking situations and hilarious moments with tenderness, honesty, warmth, and grace.

This is a must-read if you’re a family caregiver of someone with dementia—and it is an acknowledgment of how exhausting it can be to serve as their connection to life. But I’ll Sing Again also lovingly reassures that you’re not alone in your tears, grief, laughter, and faith, and that you will both sing again.

About the Author

Rene Terry Mucci was born in Florida but raised in Asia, Africa, and South America. She draws strength from her faith and spirituality gathered from the many cultures she has experienced. She enjoys her family and pets and finds joy in painting and music. She lives in New England.

Praise for I’ll Sing Again Tomorrow: A Memoir

“Rene’s beautifully written journal of her mother’s last few years of life with Alzheimer’s is a must-read—and I did just that all in one sitting since it was impossible to put down. Sometimes sad, sometimes humorous or anxiety-provoking each page is a testament of the love they have for each other. This book has no hard edges nor is it depressing; it’s a gentle, ultimately joyful, celebration of the mother-daughter bond at its finest.”

— Deborah Schneider

“This book is written with such feeling. The love Rene has for her mother just jumps off the pages! It was a long, hard journey for her, but yet she walked through it with grace and allowed Moma to maintain her dignity through it all. I would recommend this book to any and all who are in this world of Alzheimer’s or about to enter it. God Bless you all! I will pray to Moma!”

— Patsy

“This memoir is a heartfelt look through the caregiver/daughter’s lens of dementia as partially told through her Mom. You can feel the journey through time and trials. Spoken from a place we all don’t know, but explains as we go. I couldn’t stop reading—there’s a connection in the way this book is written, and the pictures further connect you to the story. Recommend for everyone!”

— Lori

“This book is a must-read for anyone dealing with the stresses of being a caregiver for a loved one with dementia. The author, Rene Mucci, has created a lighthearted, very sensitive, and thoughtful account of a decade spent as the loving caregiver for her mother (Moma). Through journaling, the author is able to put into perspective the many challenges of this disease. She is able to find understanding and even humor in many. Anyone with a loved one who has this very complex disease will find some useful subtle strategies for handling some difficult situations and simultaneously be able to maintain a positive attitude and good humor.”

— Barb

“This book is an upbeat and touching look into the reality of caring for a parent with dementia. The honest portrayal of the author and her ‘Moma’ during this journey is a good insight to anyone facing similar circumstances. The book is a compilation of journal entries, which are easy to read. I highly recommend this book to those walking a similar path, those who may be in the future, and anyone who may be touched by dementia in any way.”

— Lisa

“Rene, thank you so much for sharing the journey you and Moma went through separately and together while processing the daily struggles of this horrible disease. The foresight Moma had to have you write down the thoughts and feelings you both experienced is a true testament to the love between you. We always hear about what dementia does to the person with the disease but we don’t hear how it affects the loved ones who take care of them. The pictures let us get to know you even better. This is a must-read for anyone who knows or has known someone with dementia and to know you are not alone. Moma said it best in a heartfelt note she wrote to Rene years ago, ‘Rene, you’ll be okay then because I’m okay now with then. Moma.’ What an amazing message and gift to say it’s okay and imperative to move forward and embrace life again.”

— Deborah Rackley

“Heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. A heartwarming and at times heartbreaking story of a mother and daughter’s love for one another. The story is written as though the author is having a conversation with you, the reader. So sincere and sometimes comical, it’s impossible not to relate to Rene and her Moma. A must-read if you have experienced dealing with a loved one with dementia. This book will give you a better understanding of the world of dementia. Enjoy!”

— Jane Z. 💕