Along life’s Road- a poem

Moma would always say, “When the church bells are ringing, the angels are singing.”

ALONG life’s road, a winding path,

With flowers all around,

The sun began to lift its head.

And as I looked, I found-

A sage, so gently standing there,

As if right by my side.

And though we’d never met in life,

I sensed that she would guide.

AND so we traveled down the road,

Beyond the rocky shores.

And as we walked throughout the day,

She spoke of many doors.

CHOICES,” she said to me,

“you will make every day.

And which you choose will be the path

To take you on your way.”

AND as the sun began to set,

She turned and said farewell.

I watched her leave, till out of sight,

Then heard the old church bell.



Each day Anew


Stone Balancing