Starting Out

I’ll Sing Again Tomorrow is filled with journal entries I kept during Moma’s and my journey of her dementia. Something I first started to keep my sanity, it soon took on a life of its own. I found that asking Moma about the stories helped bring her memories back piece by piece. Of course, some parts were omitted from sharing with her as they gradually became too painful. For those words, I shouldered them for us both.

It is filled with many pictures of her life well-lived, past and new, to remind us that she remained the person she always was regardless of her illness. Your loved one might forget themselves, but you should always remember they are still there.

She wanted her story told, hoping it might make a small difference in just one person’s life. After losing her to dementia, I felt lost, for our journey had stopped. My husband of thirty-two years persuaded me to pursue publishing the book in an effort to keep me still involved in her life. Sadly, I lost him too soon, just twenty-one months later.

It took a while to find my ground and breathe again, but I now have this book and online journal to honor them both.

And it would be an honor if just one moment of our journey touches someone’s reality and helps them on their road of life.

“Hold on with both hands…
pray for guidance and smile.
Find happiness in everything.”



Something New