And so it Goes- a poem

Photo by Bestie, Debbie

AND so it goes, another day,

I try to get things right.

It seems the more I strive to do,

I soon run out of light.

I came across a sage one day

Who said, “But look around.

All the trees and rocks you see,

Just sitting on the ground.”

THE sage continued on and said,

“Throughout yet all of time,

The trees have grown and rocks have moved

With reason, and in rhyme.”

YET you believe accomplishments,

Need be done in a day.”

He paused and took a look at me

And said, “That’s not the way.”

IT took a while to realize

And then to recompose,

But now I look at life and say,

“Ah yes, and so it goes.”



Still there…


Be Still…