Piece of Heaven

Photos and writing by Bestie Debbie ❤️

Our little piece of heaven on earth was purchased in 2010 once we decided we wanted to stay in the area long term. It's 24 acres with a babbling stream bordering all sides except the road frontage and man-made pond, nice barn and workshop space for Chuck was too good to pass up. The pond came stocked with goldfish and carp. We enjoy lengthy hikes through the woods when time allows. We ride the gator* if time is short. Sunsets are gorgeous, and we thank God for steering us in this direction.

Weekends find us in the evening, sitting at our fire pit overlooking the pond with a glass of wine and perhaps oysters or clams on the grill. The peace and serenity found here will hopefully be here still for future generations to enjoy.

* John Deere Gator, 4 wheeler.


Embracing Life- a poem

