All Hallow’s Eve

Did you know…

Halloween has its roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, a celebration to welcome the harvest at the end of the season and receive the winter. It was seen as a limited time when the boundary between this world and the Otherworld thinned. The souls of the departed were said to revisit their homes, seeking hospitality. Places were set at the dinner table and by the fire to welcome them. In 19th century Ireland, candles would be lit and prayers formally offered for the souls of the departed. After this, the eating, drinking, and games would begin.

In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor saints, All Saints' Day. It is also known as All Hallow’s Day in the Christian calendar. To celebrate All Hallows' Eve, people went to church, while others might refrain from eating meat for the day. Together, All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day (November 2) make up Allhallowtide.



