Hello God- three conversations

Hello God, are you there?


But where are you?

I am everywhere.

But I can’t see you.

Did you see the morning sun?

Did you hear the birds fly?

As you look, do you see flowers

blooming in spring?

Tonight, look for the sunset.

Hello God, I see you.

Hello God, where have you been?

I’ve been beside you.

But I felt alone.

You are never alone. At times you are isolated.

What do you mean?

There are times that you are removed from the moment and feel alone. But I am still there with you.

What are you doing while I’m removed?

I wait for you to hear me.

Hello God, I hear you.

Hello God, was it you?

Who braced  my fall,

And helped me up to then stand tall?

Was that you?

It was Me.

And was it you,

Who saw me fall onto my knees,

Then helped me crawl?

Was that you?

It was Me

And was it  you,

Who caught my breath,

Returning it so I could breathe?

Was that you?

It was Me.

Hello God, I feel you.



Detail and Beauty


Hello God- where have you been?