The Door- a poem

I woke one day with plans abound

Of future steps I’d take.

While all prepared, my journey starts

With every step I make.

THE way I travel takes a turn

Along a narrow road.

With bushes and a rocky path,

I carry on my load.

I come across so many things,

Unexpected still.

While gathering my thoughts, I then

Continue up the hill.

AFTER some time, I find myself

Outside a wooden door.

And as it opened, I see things

I couldn’t soon ignore.

THE beauty of the world was there

In everywhere I looked,

And wisdom flowed upon the breeze

From words, there in the book.

A gentleness and love both danced

Within the very light.

And though I knew I had to leave,

I’d keep it in my sight.

AND when I woke up from my dream,

I found I longed for more.

For then, I came to realize

I visited God‘s door.





Heavenly Beauty