Never alone- a poem

written 6/21/21

“Move slowly in life and know…

you’re never alone.”


Move slowly in life and know that there’ll be,

Curves in the road that you may not yet see.

For life has a plan and a time all its own,

At times leaving you in the dark and alone.

You’ll reach for the switch to turn the light on

And soon realize that the switch is now gone.

And so you must find a new way to see,

A new way to live, a new way to be.

Take time to recover, take hold of the wheel

And realize life is ever so real.

Refocus and find your footing and then

Breathe deeply and let your detour begin.

For not all changes in life will be bad,

Though some you will find will make you feel sad.

Embrace the detour as much as you can,

Find steady ground and then take a stand.

You are who you are ~ after all of the fuss,

And in you, you can find the strength that you trust.

Just know that for all of the future unknown,

I’m right here beside you, you’re never alone.



Kerr Lake


With Time…